Benchmark Holdings PLC

Benchmark Holdings PLC

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About Us

We aim to set a new benchmark for sustainable living, starting with food production. From there we can do even more to create a more sustainable world for all. Not for the sake of it but because we will be able to do more of the things that we think are right. The more we do, the more impact we have.

We believe in using science to enable sustainable living, starting with the sustainability of food. Our work is needed because the way we live today is unsustainable — and nowhere is the challenge more acute than with food.

The world’s population has not yet peaked whilst, simultaneously, rapid economic development and improving diets mean that demand for meat and fish is rising. We need to waste less and produce more efficiently, providing better quality food from the same land and water whilst keeping prices affordable.

Today we are dependent on an industrialised food system that’s storing up significant challenges for the future of the planet. The use of antibiotics and pesticides in agriculture is widespread, which has deep implications for human health and environmental safety. This more intensive production is increasing the risk of pests and disease. Without change, we won’t be able to produce the food we want and need to survive.

To address these challenges we need to harness the power of science to align our production with nature, enabling us to grow the food we need more efficiently and more sustainably. For example, through the development of new vaccines, we can keep animals healthy rather than use antibiotics to treat disease. The approaches, science and applications we develop can enable sustainable living far beyond food production. Our discoveries and innovations will improve animal health, human health and the wider environment.